Promptly and completely addressing the needs of our customers is top priority for Text Analysis International.
Our text analytics customers span commercial, government, and academic sectors. Software developers, consultants, and system integrators are primary customers for VisualText® and associated products. Companies that need to process large quantities of unstructured and structured text, including web pages, email, legacy text repositories, and text-from-speech are ideal users of applications derived from VisualText.
Selected Customers and Partners
NASDAQ OMX. The customer exploits VisualText software in its deployed sentiment analysis solution.
TAI partners with Maya Information Technologies to deploy Official Records processing solutions, including OCR cleanup, information extraction, and property lookup from deeds, mortgages, foreclosure documents, and other court and local government documents.
Michael Page Internatioal. (See below). Builds and deploys resume analyzers for a host of European languages. Patrice Mellot Consultant.
PMC has deployed an information extraction system for resumes in French, serving Michael Page International, one of the world's foremost professional recruitment firms. PMC's description of the application:
The system we built extracts information from incoming resumes and checks if the candidate is already present in
the corporate database. Accordingly, the resume is dispatched to the appropriate person. The precision of
the current system is 88%.
Educational Testing Service:. A multi-year research project, building multiple Natural Language Genaration (NLG) applications.
IBM Global Services UK. A multi-year deployed text analytic application for the UK government.
 Polwire delivers up-to-the-minute personalized news for the political arena, including foreign policy, defense,
budget & economy, health care, education, energy & oil, and much more.
Milkhouse Software. TAI develops text analytic capabilities for the VizForce product. Applications focus on patents and medical research papers.