Copy a node's variables to the suggested node of a rule match. Must be called from the POST Region and can be considered a new-style NLP++ action.
NULL = pncopyvars(Pnode1,Pnode2)
NULL = pncopyvars(aPnode)
NULL = pncopyvars(positionNum)
NULL = pncopyvars(0)
aPnode - type: pnode
positionNum - type: int
The first form copies variables from node 1 to node 2. The second form copies node variables from a given node. The third form copies variables from the first node matching the positionNumth element of the current rule. The fourth form copies from the node matching the last element of the rule.
pncopyvars(N(2)); # Copy head _noun variables to _np node.
_np <- _det [s] _noun [s] @@
POST Actions, Parse Tree Functions